Nano containers in SlapOS simply means that SlapOS uses the standard POSIX isolation of unpriviledged users.
Thanks to buildout technology, it is declarative and runs on bare metal.
Multiple versions of the same software can be deployed at the same time on the same host. Multiple instances too.
All services are meant to run as a normal user (unpriviledged). We run nothing as root except the core SlapOS daemon (slapgrid). We patched any libraries that could not execute without root privileges (postfix) or hardcoded some path (ex. X11).
Thanks to buildout, SlapOS is portable across Linux distributions or even to other POSIX systems such as Android, FreeBSD, MacOS. It is just a matter of extending the buildout profile to take into account specific compilation options for each platform.
Source code can be cached to ensure that it can be rebuilt after ten years.
Binaries can be cached (and shared) to accelerate installation.
SlapOS can run inside or outside a virtual machine. It can deploy virtual machines too.
It can support namespaces or cgroups if necessary.
It can even deploy LXC/Docker type containers but this is something we discouraged for reasons explained previously.